Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Morning by Morning

I miss my Matthew - every minute of every day. 
But some days are harder than others. 
And sometimes the hard days run together. 

Last week was one of those times. 
Tuesday was Matthew’s birthday and Thursday he should have started his senior year of high school. I tried to prepare myself in advance, but as I have learned all too well throughout this journey, there are some things I just can’t prepare for. Some days are so painful that all I can do is tearfully ride them out. 

And that is okay.

I’ve learned that it is okay that I still sometimes feel days of extreme sadness. I’ve learned that those days will continue to come as long as I am on this side of heaven. I'm thankful that they do not come nearly as often as they used to. And I’ve learned that on those really bad days, God is always, always enough.

Tuesday morning (Matthew’s birthday) I headed to the beach for an early morning run. It was still dark when I got there and I was grateful that no one would be able to see my tears as I ran. However, I quickly discovered that my heart was so heavy that a run was not happening that day. It was literally all I could do just to pick up one foot after another and take small steps. 

So, I stopped trying and just stood still to let God speak to me.
Be still and know that I am God.
Psalm 46:10
The beach is my place. It is where I feel God’s presence like nowhere else. There is just something about the beauty and majesty of the ocean that gets me - every single time.

Tuesday was no exception. As I stood in the water’s edge, crying the tears of a momma’s broken heart, one of the most beautiful sunrises I have ever seen appeared. I thought I needed a good run to meet God that day. He had a very different plan. As I stood frozen and crying, I was reminded of His faithfulness throughout this journey. 

And I was also reminded of another important lesson I have learned along the way...

In the early days of grief, mornings were excruciatingly painful. Every morning I awoke to the reality that Matthew was gone all over again. It took me forever to get moving each and every day. It felt like I was moving in slow motion. It was horrible and I was completely helpless to change it. But during that time, I began to see that as each painful day arrived, God was faithful to meet me and carry me through. As time slowly moved forward, I began to fear the mornings less and less because I knew that no matter how bad the pain, God would get me through – one day at a time. If I looked beyond the present day, it was too much to bare. But as I learned to trust Him to meet me each and every day, healing began.

Because of the Lord’s great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.
Lamentations 3:22-23

God promises to meet all our needs, and I completely trust in that promise. But even as I continue to grow closer to Him, there are still times that I look for Him to provide more than He has promised. God’s Word is clear that I am not to worry about tomorrow (Matthew 6:34). I am called to rely on Him one day at a time, knowing that He will provide what I need for tomorrow - but only when I get there. 

That’s a lot easier said than done. Right???

I am so guilty!
Even after He has proven His faithfulness time and  time again, I worry about things down the road, which only creates more stress in the present. And when I fret over things beyond today, it is straight up sin!

Watching that beautiful sunrise last Tuesday reminded me of the importance of trusting in Him day by day, sometimes minute by minute. It reminded me of His faithfulness throughout this entire journey – even when I could not feel Him. He has not left me for one single second. The same God who provided a ram for Abraham, gave daily manna in the desert, parted the Red Sea, sent a shepherd to slay a giant, turned water into wine, gave sight to a blind man, healed the man at the well, and SO much more is the same God who loves me and you. And He is the same God that will provide for our every need. 

Every single one of them. 
Morning by morning.

It is hard sometimes to have blind faith in tomorrow and beyond. But isn’t that ultimately what true faith is…believing that He will meet every emotional and physical need - even when we have no idea how He will do it. 

He is with you today and He will be with you tomorrow...
waiting to show His unending love, compassion, and sovereignty.

Don't allow yourself to be overwhelmed by the tomorrow. 
Instead, allow Him to bless you today.

Thank you Lord that your mercies are new every morning. GREAT is Your faithfulness. 
Help me to stay focused on You and trust in You, one day at a time.

Monday, May 18, 2015

Sometimes, Dreams Do Come True

Over the last few years I have had to let go of several hopes and dreams in my life. Most of those have related to my children...
Matthew's death, Will's struggles and choices as a result of Matthew's death, and a failed adoption have all resulted in a broken heart, broken dreams, and a struggle for hope. With each lost dream, a little piece of me died. At times, it has been a real struggle to keep going. I've battled through depression and had to dig deep into my faith for strength over and over again.

But through it all, God has been unwavering. HE has been faithful. HE has never left my side. Even when I have questioned HIM and wondered where HE is, I have known deep in my heart that HE was with me.

Right now, I am in a struggle to trust in HIS timing. I want HIM to answer some things for me - right now! 

But HE is not answering me in my time (Can you hear my giant sigh???).
I trust that HE will answer me though...in HIS time.

And in today's mail, I received a reminder of why I must trust in HIS timing.

Just before the start of my Junior year at Columbia College, in the summer of 1992, my parents and I made the decision that it was best for our family if I did not return to school at that time. It was not a decision that came easily. I love school (yes, I'm a nerd like that) and I had worked really, really hard during my first two years in college. But we all knew that due finances and some things going on in our family, I needed to be home. So I tearfully called my beloved roommate and told her I would not be back. 

I never looked back. I worked in the family business until it eventually closed, I married my high-school sweetheart (whom I still adore!) and we began a family of our own. I've never regretted my decision and I've never called it a mistake.

But deep in my heart there was always a longing to finish my degree. 

Chip and I discussed it several times over the years, but the time never seemed "right". As our boys grew older, I knew that my dream of being a college graduate would likely never come true. With two children to put through college, I thought it was completely foolish and selfish for me to even consider the idea.

And then came January 22, 2010.
Matthew died.
And everything changed.

There was only one child to put through college.

But as time painfully passed by and our son Will began to make some poor choices, Chip and I simply prayed for him to finish high school. It became obvious to both of us that he would not be attending college right now. There were just too many issues.

So then, there were no children to put through college.

At that point, it had been many years since I had even thought of going back to school. I hadn't necessarily forgotten my dream, it just was buried under a lot of other issues and baggage.

But God had not forgotten my dream, not for one tiny second. 

In the fall of 2012, 20 years after leaving Columbia College, I was sitting at a Women of Faith conference in Charlotte, NC with some of my closest friends. Liberty University just happened to have a booth in the vendor area. While sitting in an arena filled with thousands of women, I heard the gentle voice of God tell me to "Go". HE quietly led me to that Liberty University booth on the concourse - and revived a dream I had let go of many years earlier. Two days later I had my first conversation with the admissions office and just like that...a dream I had long ago tucked away had new life.


I began online classes through Liberty in January 2013. I've worked straight through with no summer breaks. Most of my semesters were full time course loads - with 12 hours of classes. I've cried more tears of frustration and wanted to quit more times than I care to admit. But with the help of God and the never ending encouragement of my husband...

Yep, that's me. Twenty years after I originally planned...I am a college graduate!!!
And you want to know what else God did just to show off a little???
Not only did HE lead me to an amazing university and give me the perserverance to get through, look at what's on the bottom of that glorious diploma:

Do you see those words "Summa Cum Laude"???

Not only did God get me through, HE helped me do it "with highest honors"! 
And trust me - me graduating with honors is nothing but God alone!

So, for today I am going to enjoy this. I am going to celebrate my accomplishment. I have worked harder at this than just about anything else in my life. And I've done it under some extremely stressful and challenging conditions. I have no idea what God plans to do with this degree, but I know HE has a plan. HE has been in this since day one. My prayer throughout my second college journey is that HE would be glorified. And I continue to pray that whatever is next, HE will be glorified.

Today, I received my long awaited diploma in the mail.
Today, I am celebrating.
And today, I say "Go me!"

And while I'm waiting for HIM to answer some of my current prayers, I hope this will continue to remind me to trust in HIS timing. 

HE just answered a prayer and a dream that laid dormant in my heart for 20 long years - through countless changes that included both amazing mountain top experiences and unthinkable heartbreak. 
But as my life changed through those 20 years, HE did not: 
Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.
~Hebrews 13:8
I serve a mighty, mighty God and there is nothing HE cannot do.
I just have to remember to trust in HIS perfect timing.

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Five Long Years...

He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away.  ~Revelation 21:4

Today I have lived five years on this earth without my youngest son.
Five long, exhausting, and heartbreaking years with a piece of my heart missing.
One thousand eight hundred and twenty six days.
And that is exactly one thousand eight hundred and twenty six days too many.

January 22, 2010...the day that everything changed.
The day that life as I knew it ended.
The day that left a wound deep inside my soul and scars buried within my heart.

I’ve read many books regarding the death of a child since losing Matthew. I’ve been through a few rounds of counseling and studied grief extensively while completing my own counseling degree. I’ve read the book of Job, studied the Psalms, and prayed for understanding more hours than I can count.
And it still doesn’t make sense to me.
It still seems completely unfair.
I still miss him more every day. 
Matthew was what made our family complete. 
Life without him will never feel right.

I truly believe the promise found in Romans 8:28. I truly believe that God works all things for good for those who love HIM. I see the good HE is bringing from Matthew’s death. But if I’m totally honest, I would trade it all in a heartbeat to have my son back. I miss my son. And sometimes the pain and longing is still so much it completely overwhelms me. 

We’ve celebrated five of everything without him – five Easters, Mother’s Days, Father’s Days, Fourth of Julys, Thanksgivings, Christmases, and New Years. We’ve marked his birthday five times without him. School years have started and ended five times without him. I’ve watched many of his friends turn 16, get their driver’s license, and get their class rings…all things Matthew should doing.

And it all keeps getting harder.

The last five years have been a roller coaster of emotions. We get stronger day by day and there have been some good moments, but there have been a lot of really, really hard moments. By nothing other than the grace of God, we have made it this far. Today I celebrate the fact that I am still standing, and I know it is only because of God's faithfulness to never leave or forsake me. Chip and I have grown closer to God - day by day, sometimes minute by minute as we walk through this journey. And, we have grown closer to each other as a result of drawing closer to HIM. It's all an amazingly beautiful mess. 

Through the good, the bad, and the really really ugly of the last five years - there are a few things I have learned to be true and constant:
God is God and I am not.
God is good.
God is all knowing, all powerful, and HE is in complete control.
Matthew’s life was important. 
Matthew left a lasting legacy.
And even though we are way out of our comfort zone, The Matthew Bellamy Project is our calling. 

The work we are doing in Matthew's memory does matter. I believe that with all I am. And today, as we remember our son on the fifth anniversary of his death, I beg of you to remember a few things: 
PLEASE to not become complacent. 
PLEASE do not take gun safety for granted in your own home – with your own children. 
DON’T assume it can’t or won't happen again. 
It only takes one mistake, one second, for a family to be torn apart. 
Help me honor my son’s life and memory by protecting your child from unsecured guns. I’ve worked with many, many kids over the past few years in a variety of settings. One thing that has become crystal clear to me is that kids know where the guns in their homes are. You may think they are hidden and your kids don’t know where they are but trust me, they do! I realize that some of the stories kids tell me are just that, “stories”. But not all of them are. Many of these kids do know without a doubt where guns are "hidden" in their homes. 

So today, on the fifth anniversary of my son’s death, I’m asking gun owners to stop and evaluate how guns are stored in your home. Evaluate what your kids know and what they may need to know. 

And to those who do not have guns in your home, your kids still need to be educated. National statistics show that at least 1/3 of all homes in our country have at least one gun in it. I believe that number is much higher here in the south. Even if they are not in your home, your child will end up in a home that has guns. Period.
Will he or she know what to do if they find one? 

Do you ask about unsecured firearms before your child goes somewhere? You should. It is your right to know. Remember, our family owns guns - which have always been locked in a safe that our children cannot access. Our son died because someone else did not take the same precautions we do. Ask.

Finally, I want to remind you to appreciate what you have – every single day. It is so easy to get lost in the busyness of life and lose sight of what really matters. 

I’d give anything to see my son again, to hear his voice, to feel his arms wrapped around me, to be able to stand over his bed and watch him sleep at night...the list could go on and on.

Do not take one single day for granted mommas. 
Not one single day.     
You will never have this day with your child again – make the most of it!

It has been a hard five years. And I know we likely have many, many more to go before we are reunited with our Matthew. I know I'll never understand any of on this on this side of Heaven. I just want to faithfully accept it and follow HIS leading. I want to be a faithful steward of our story. I want to honor God and I want to honor Matthew's memory. I pray I get this right.

Thank you for once again allowing me to share from my broken momma's heart. Sometimes it still feels a little unreal that this is our story.
But it is the path God has chosen for us -
So onward I will go.

Matthew Kenneth Bellamy
August 18, 1998 - January 22, 2010

Thank you for coming into our world and making it a better place my sweet Matthew.
I'm eternally grateful that God chose me to be your mommy.
I miss you more than words can say.
I know that one day we will all be together again - and that promise is what keeps me going.
I love you to the moon and back.